Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wonton Soup

Ingredients:                                                       Serves 6-8 packs

Wonton wrappers/skin                     20 pcs
  Ingredients for wonton wrapper
           - Flour                                  500 gm
           -Egg                                     4 nos
          -Water                                  100 ml

Minced pork                                   100 gm
Ginger chopped                              1tsp
Light Soy sauce                               2 tsp
Chicken stock                                 1.5 ltr
Chinese Rice Wine/ Dry sherry        1-2tsp
Spinach                                           100 gms
Salt,Pepper,MSG                           tt

- In a medium bowl combine the minced pork, ginger, light soy sauce and with salt, pepper, msg according to your taste. Mix well, and let stand for 25-30 minutes.
- Prepare the wonton skin / wrapper with flour, egg and water. Make a dough, cut the dough into small section using bench knife or you can do it by your hand. Form each section into ball. Make ready your pasta machine.
- Flatten one of the dough balls with the palm of your hand until it's about 1/2 an inch thick and no wider than the slot of the pasta machine. With the slot of the pasta machine on its widest setting (usually 1), turn the handle while feeding the dough into the slot. Gently hold the flattened dough as it comes out of the pasta machine, but don't pull on it.
- As you continue rolling the dough, your sheet of dough will get longer and longer. Try to gently hold the dough as it exits the pasta machine so it doesn't tear. Continue to do this, making the slot smaller by one each time.
- Continue passing the dough through the machine until it's about an 1/16th of an inch thick. After getting the required thickness of the dough cut it into square shape so that it can wrap the minced pork.
- Place about one teaspoon of the filling mixture of minced pork at the center of each wonton skin. Moisten all 4 edges of wonton wrapper with flour-water solution, then pull the top corner down to the bottom, folding the wrapper over the filling to make a triangle. Press edges firmly to make a seal. Bring left and right corners together above the filling. Overlap the tips of these corners, moisten with flour-water solution and press together. Continue until all wrappers are used.
- FOR SOUP: Bring the chicken stock to a rolling boil. Drop wontons in, and cook for 5 minutes. Garnish with chopped spinach, and serve.

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