Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chinese Fried Rice with Chicken chili and stir-fry Pak Choi

Chinese Fried Rice with Chicken chili and stir-fry Pak Choi

For Chinese Fried Rice

Ingredients:                                                 Serves: 4 people
Long grain rice (cooked)                      450g
Ham                                                     50g
Prawn                                                   50g
Eggs (lightly beaten)                               2 nos.
Salt                                                       a pinch
Spring onion (chopped)                         2 nos.
Oil                                                        30 ml
Green peas                                            115 g
Light Soy Sauce                                     1 tbsp (15 ml)
Chinese Rice Wine/ Dry Sherry               1 tbsp

- On a wok, heat the oil properly and pour the egg in it with the chopped spring onion. Adjust the salt according to your taste and scramble the eggs with a fork. Cook for sometime and set aside.
- Heat oil on a wok, add ham,prawn along with the onions; stir fry for 2 minutes.
- Add rice and green peas, tossing to mix well; stir fry for 3 minutes.
- Add light soy sauce, chinese rice wine and the cooked egg to rice mixture; stir fry for 1 more minute and serve.

Deep Fried Chicken

For Chicken Chili

Ingredients:                                                     Serves 4
Chicken with bone                                  500-600g
Hot Garlic Sauce                                     1 tbsp
Tomato Ketchup                                     1 tbsp
Salt/MSG                                               to taste (tt)
Oil to fry
For Chicken Marination:
Egg whites
Chinese rice wine/ soy sauce
Salt, White Pepper powder

- Take the chicken with bones and cut it into small pieces, say it in 1 inches size.
-Take 1tbsp.Chinese rice wine/ Soya sauce, 1tbsp. corn flour, salt,white pepper powder, egg white in a bowl and marinate chicken pieces in the the mixture for about 10-15 minutes.
- Heat oil and deep fry the marinated chicken pieces till golden brown.
- For hot garlic sauce; boil the red chilies on the water and drain it, put that chilies into the mixture with water and make chili paste and also prepare the garlic paste. On a separate wok, heat the oil add garlic paste and chili paste; cook it until the oil foam/layer forms on top. Separate it.
- Clean the vegetable and cut it into your design.
- On the wok heat the 1 tbsp oil and add vegetables with onion and stir fry. Add the fried chicken pieces and  hot garlic sauce and tomato ketchup. Adjust the seasonings with salt, pepper and MSG. Cook or stir fry it for 2 -3 minutes and it is ready to serve.

Blanched Pak Choi

For Stir fry Pak Choi

Ingredients:                                                            Serves 4
Garlic clove                                1no.
Ginger                                        1 piece
Onion                                         1 no.
Light soy sauce                          1 tbsp
Salt, pepper, MSG                       to taste
Pak Choi trimmed and cut into halves or long wedges       4 piece

- Blanch the trimmed Pak Choi over the hot boiling water with salt. Do not put/ blanch for long time .
- Heat a little oil in a wok and fry the ginger, onion and garlic, add the pak choi and stir-fry quickly until the stems are just tender.
- Add light soy sauce and maintain the salt, pepper, MSG according to your taste.
- Immediately, tip onto a plate with Chinese Fried Rice with Chicken Chili and serve.

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