Sunday, July 22, 2012

Walnut and Dates Pudding

Ingredients:                                        Serves 28

Walnut             250g
Dates              250g
Milk               5 ltr
Brown Sugar        to taste
Rice flour         1 kg

- Heat the milk on a skillet until boiled, set aside.
- Chop walnut and dates coarsley, and cook it in water for some time. Set aside some of the walnut and dates for garnishing.
- In a heavy skillet combine brown sugar and rice flour; cook and stir over medium heat until light brown.
- Reduce heat to low; gradually add warm milk with walnut and dates. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Do not allow it to be lumpy texture.
- Pour it into serving dishes and garnish  it with chopped walnut and dates on the top.

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