Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thai Candied Bananas


Banana (nearly riped)               6
Lemon squash/lime paste          2 tbsp
Sugar                                       3 cups
Water                                      2 cups
Coconut Cream                       1/2 cup
Salt                                         1/2 tsp

- Peel the bananas and soak the bananas in lemon squash for 30 minutes. Rinse in cool water, drain and set aside.
- Mix sugar and water in a brass wok over medium heat until sugar dissolves and until the syrup becomes thick enough to coat a wooden spoon. Put the bananas in, flip over while cooking.
- For the topping: in a small saucepan, dissolve 1/2 cup coconut cream with salt. Remove from heat just as it gets hot.
- Serve in individual bowls or plates with topping.

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